How will my medical bills get paid after a car accident?

The person who caused the automobile accident has responsibility under the law to pay your medical bills that are related to the injuries. If that person has automobile liability coverage, the insurance carrier likely will not pay your medical bills as they are incurred, but will include an amount representing those bills in the final settlement or the payment of a final judgment. When you have been injured in an auto collision, the medical providers typically will submit your bills to your health insurance carrier, whether it be a private insurance company, Medicare or Medicaid. Those payment sources will seek reimbursement once your case is resolved. Some providers try to bypass your health coverage and seek payment under your auto policy, which tends to give them greater reimbursement than what they would receive from health insurance. Using your med-pay under your auto policy instead of health insurance may not be in your best interests. You should receive all of the medical treatment that you require for your injuries and there are options and strategies that can be utilized to make sure that you receive the necessary medical treatment.